Nutrient Calculator
If you have any problems using our Nutrient Calculator, or you would like to verify the accuracy of your formulation, please Contact Us and we’ll be happy to help you.
Should you want to use a different ingredient selection, please ask us for more information.
This section is recommended to veterinarians, animal nutritionists, people with a good knowledge of cat nutrition and a lot of experience making homemade cat food or for anybody brave enough to deal with a lot of numbers, percentages and the metric system. You can always visit out Pet Food Regulation page and get some basic information before you start formulating cat food.
With our Nutrient Calculator you’ll be able to create your own new recipes or you can choose one of our recipes and customize it. You can also use this tool if you already have a recipe and would like to know what the nutritional composition of your diet is.
Nutrient Calculator (non-metric)
If this is your first time using the Nutrient Calculator, please print the User Guide and follow it while creating your cat food.